Every society and organization has its own body of laws, rules, and policies.
We have adopted our structure, and the related rules from the sixteenth
century, as stated before, with the Chief's word as law. The twentieth
century does impinge on what we
do, so we have a very limited set of related laws. We try to limit these
as much as we can, and publish them in the Seannachie, and have them available in
the standard paperwork.
- The Membership
Requirements deals with accepted and expected behavior. Minimum
Goods specifies with the minimum kit needed to participate in Clan
- The Sumptuary Laws states
what is acceptable and expected reguarding our clothing.
The Clothing Guide describes the costuming information in detail, with some more
information in the next section.
- A Membership Directory is published annually for passing news, arranging
rides, and other modern concerns for family use only,
and may not be used for any non-Clan use, especially commercial. Members
may request to be omitted from this. Information from the Clan Membership
Application other than contact information remains confidential, being
used by our medical corps, for First Aid, lost and found, and internal
use. Common courtesy is expected in calling family members.