Facts About My 16th-Century Persona:
1. Persona Name: _____________________________________________________________
(Character's given name, descriptive, & patronymic. Examples: Iain "Dubh" MacEoghan = Ian "the dark," son of Eoghann; Fiona nic Ciaran Gaobh = Fiona, daughter of Ciaran the Smith)
2. Persona Age _____ Birthdate (optional) ___________________________________
(Beyond adolescence, choose an age younger than you actually are - people wore out early! As a birthdate you would most likely give a season, a festival, or a saint's day, and note the year in terms of some local event.)
3. I belong to the household of ______________________________________________
(Also note duties or position in that household, if applicable:
tenant, gillie, seamstress, etc.)
4. My persona holds th following position, rank, or office(s) in
Clan MacColin (also give 20th-century rank):
5. My persona has these notable personality traits and physical characteristics:
6. My persona has these notable skills: ___________________________________________
(My persona trades on these skills: _______________________________________________)
7. My persona'a derivation is __________________________________________________
(MacColin Scottish-native of Glenderry; other Scottish-indicate origin; MacColin Irish-how releted, native or incomer?; other Irish-indicate how joined Clan; mixed-native or incomer?; outlander-origin? how and why joined?)
8. Three most notable events in my persona's life, and age when they
Examples: Handfasting or marriage, death of parents,
first hunt or raid, moving from Ireland, etc.)
9. My persona is related to the persona's of the following other
Clan members:
Name (16th & 20th century) Relationship
Examples: Aine Og nic Conor (Ann Jones) - handfast; Coineach
mac Colm (Bill Brown) - first cousin.
Ask your Household Head, your Clan relatives, and the
Chronicler for persona help at any time. Suggestion: Use pencil, for easier
changes! If you need more room, use the back of this sheet.
Please make three copies of the finished worksheet. Give one to the Chronicler; the second goes to your Household Head; the third is for you to keep for reference. Please notify the Chronicler and your Household Head of any changes.
Extra copies of this sheet, the explanation sheet, and the genealogy chart are available for nominal cost.