The Way It Was...

Here are a few starting bits about the society we re-create. It is only a start, for we are always learning more to improve.

Our Saints


Brigid, also known as Bridget, Brighid, or Bride, was an Irish nun, born in or near county Louth. According to tradition, her father was of royal blood and her mother was a slave. She was renowned for her beauty.

When her father tried to give her in marriage, she demurred. Because of her piety she was allowed to leave her father and become a nun. She founded four monasteries, including the monastery of Kildare. She became a patron saint along with Patrick and Columbia. Her feast day is February 1st.


Patrick was the Apostle of Ireland, Christian prelate. His birthplace is uncertain, but it was probably in southwestern Britain. His British name was Succat.

At 16 years of age he was carried off by Irish marauders and passed his captivity as a herdsman. The young herdsman saw visions in which he was urged to escape. After six years he did so, fleeing to the northern coast of Gaul. Ordained a priest, possibly by St. Germanus at Auxerre, he returned to Ireland. Patrick was appointed first bishop of Ireland.

His reported use of the shamrock as an illustration of the Trinity led to its being regarded as the Irish national symbol. His feast day is March 17th.